Canal Grande Venezia

Our Location & Contact Information

The Ideal Location — The Gateway to Venice

The hotel rises in Campo San Simeon, a typical Venetian “campiello,” in the ancient
sestiere of Santa Croce, out of the busiest tourist routes, and for this reason even more
fascinating and picturesque — the ideal place for those who wish to enjoy a quiet and
relaxing stay. Its view on a part of the Grand Canal, once considered the gateway to
the city, makes the location of the hotel particularly charming and fascinating.

Easily Accessible

Canal Grande Hotel can easily be reached from Santa Lucia railway station, from
Piazzale Roma (bus terminal and car parks), from the port (maritime station), and it is
not far from the main landmarks of Venice — it is the ideal point of departure and arrival
for visits to the city.

From Santa Lucia Train Station to Canal Grande Hotel

Canal Grande Hotel is just a few hundred meters from the Santa Lucia train station.

On foot —

After leaving the station, cross the Scalzi bridge, go straight to Calle Longa, then
turn left, cross a little bridge, go to Campo San Simeon Grande on the left of the

Church, then go on towards the canal.

By vaporetto —

Take line 1 towards Rialto, get off at the second stop “Riva de Biasio”, turn right
along the bank and in the end turn left, then turn on the first calle on the right, enter

Campo San Simeon Grande and go on towards the canal.
From the Venice-Teressa “Marco Polo” Airport to Piazzale Roma

You may take a private water taxi directly to the hotel, or you can reach Piazzale
Roma, from one of the following:
• ATVO Shuttle Bus (Blue Bus) to Piazzale Roma,
• ACTV Bus n°5 (Orange Bus) to Piazzale Roma,

• TAXI to Piazzale Roma...

From Piazzale Roma to the Hotel — see directions From Piazzale Roma below

From the "San Giuseppe" Treviso Airport to Piazzale Roma

Reach Piazzale Roma, by either:
• ATVO Shuttle Bus (Blue Bus) to Piazzale Roma,

• TAXI to Piazzale Roma...

From Piazzale Roma to the Hotel — see directions From Piazzale Roma below

From the Port Maritime Station to Piazzale Roma

You may take a private water taxi directly to the hotel, or you can reach Piazzale
Roma, from one of the following:
• Cruise Company Shuttle Bus to Piazzale Roma,

• TAXI to Piazzale Roma...

From Piazzale Roma to the Hotel — see directions From Piazzale Roma below

From the Tronchetto Car Terminal to Piazzale Roma

You can reach Piazzale Roma, from one of the following:
• Vaparetto Boat, Line 2 to Piazzale Roma,

• ACTV Bus, Line 6 to Piazzale Roma...

From Piazzale Roma to the Hotel — see directions From Piazzale Roma below

From Piazzale Roma Bus & Car Terminal to Canal Grande Hotel

By vaporetto —

Take line 1 towards Rialto, get off at the second stop “Riva de Biasio”, turn right
along the bank and in the end turn left, then turn on the first calle on the right, reach

Campo San Simeon Grande and go on towards the canal.

On foot —

Do not cross the new bridge “Ponte della Costituzione” (also known as Calatrava
bridge), but turn right along Grand Canal, reach two little bridges, when you get to
Ponte degli Scalzi turn right on Calle Longa and in the end turn left, cross a little
bridge, reach Campo San Simeon Grande on the left of the church and go on

towards the canal.


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Location & Contact


Canal Grande Hotel, Venice

is located at


Santa Croce, 932
Campo San Simeon Grande
30135 Venezia - Italy


Tel +39 041 24.40.148
Fax +39 041 24.40.102